Who We Are:

Our Mission & More

Photo Courtesy of Fonkoze USA / © Kiefel Photography

Who We Are

Fonkoze Financial Services (Sèvis Finansye Fonkoze (SFF), S.A.) is a Haitian microfinance company with a double bottom line: we aim to lift families and communities out of poverty while operating in a financially self‐sustaining manner.


SFF offers micro and small business loans, savings products, international and domestic money transfer services, currency exchange services, payroll services and more.


Our loan products are designed to address the financial needs of our clients, wherever they may be on their journey out of poverty.

SFF & The Fonkoze Family

The Fonkoze Family: Although SFF is its own entity and operates its business as such, it is partner to two "sister" organizations: Fonkoze Foundation and Fonkoze USA. Together, the three separate entities work together to achieve one mission: to empower Haitians - primarily women - with financial and development services to lift their families out of poverty.


Visit The Fonkoze Family Website >>


The Fonkoze Foundation leverages SFF's network to reach our 65,000+ clients nationwide. Its programs include the following. First, it offers adult education courses, ranging from basic literacy to business management to life skills--all taught in a manner designed to empower rural women. Second, the Foundation offers a health program that brings over-the-counter health products, services, and education to client communities through an innovative social franchising model. Third, the Foundation offers a comprehensive program to lift "ultra poor" out of the deepest poverty. These are households that would not even be able to benefit from a loan if they had one.


Together, the Foundation and SFF help clients climb Fonkoze's "Staircase Out of Poverty." If the steps of the staircase are the various loan products (in increasing amounts) that SFF offers, the Foundation's programs are the handrails that help women to climb their way out of poverty.


Fonkoze USA is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to securing financial and technical support for its Haitian partners (Fonkoze Financial Services and Fonkoze Foundation). It educates the American public about Fonkoze’s work in Haiti, facilitates technical assistance for the two entities and raises money to support Fonkoze’s programs. It also acts as a channel for socially responsible investors who want to “invest” in Fonkoze’s loan fund by lending their money at subsidized interest rates. Fonkoze USA gives American donors access to tax advantages available to the fullest extent allowed, and conducts the necessary due diligence on Fonkoze’s operations.


Visit The Fonkoze Family Website >>


Fonkoze Financial Services (SFF)

119 Avenue Christophe

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Copyright © 2019 Fonkoze USA.  All Rights Reserved.


Fonkoze Financial Services (SFF)

119 Avenue Christophe

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Copyright © 2019 Fonkoze USA.  All Rights Reserved.

Who We Are


Who We Are



Fonkoze Financial Services (SFF)

119 Avenue Christophe

Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Copyright © 2019 Fonkoze USA.  All Rights Reserved.